Monday, March 17, 2014

Diagrams of Plans & Sections

Floor Plans


1 comment:

  1. Hello Jason.
    You could first make a few sketches of what you envision and then make a digital version of it. It might be easier.
    How did you figure out the dimensions of the rooms/spaces? I ask because your diagram/matrix did not have surface areas.

    A suggestion: do not include defined interiors (in this case the bathrooms) in a sketchy plan. Otherwise it will stand out as a copy paste (which might not be the case).
    This causes other problems. For instance, in the third floor plan the bathroom wall is not aligned with the offices wall. This looks sloppy and not thought through. Align that wall (make the corridor narrower).
    The plans you're presenting are an "architectural organogram" or a mix between a plan and an organogram, there is no need for interiors with different details than others.
    You still have to "polish" these plans.

    Another recommendation: complete the diagram/space matrix first and then start these sketches again.

    Keep up the good work.
